Sunday, December 7, 2008

How many robots can you fit on the head of a pin?

How much land would it take for all 6,617,124,087 people on Earth to be in one place? 949 square miles. If you were to give every human four square feet to stand or sit the size of the crowd would be a square 30.805843 miles wide and 30.805843 miles long. 

The amount of change that would be happening in this square would be incredible. Imagine sitting atop a tower in the middle of that group so that you could survey the crowd. In just 60 seconds 250 babies will be delivered, 111 people will die (2 of which would be suicide) and there will be 90 abortions. 

Think of how quickly we would have to move to get 6,660 bodies out of the area every hour and how much chaos would be routine adding 15,000 babies an hour to the group. 

Also in that day we would hand out a new computer to 230,000 people and 3,000,000 new computers would be hooked up to the Internet. 

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